Where the Earth breathes

Sustainable Practices
Sustainability Manual Hotel Amazon Bed and Breakfast
At Amazon B&B Hotel, the commitment to the environment and sustainability is part of our reason for being. The Hotel has a sustainability policy and a handbook of good practices that reduce the impact on our daily operation.
Therefore, our primary purpose is to make it possible for every citizen of the world to dream of witnessing the existence of our green treasure in the Colombian Amazon. It requires, however, a strong commitment with the preservation of its fragile ecosystem in every contact and intervention we perform. Thus, we express our gratitude and respect for this great gift that mother nature offers to humanity. Our facilities follow this principle: to take special care of both our guests and the Amazon.

Accordingly, we comply with the Colombian Sectoral Standards (NTS – TS 002) that provides regulations for accommodation and lodging establishments (EAH) (Sustainability requirements, 2014)

Good environmental practices
Water Management
We carry out a monthly control and monitoring of water consumption. Use of rainwater for the cleanliness of common areas. Use of protocol AD in bathrooms, kitchen and laundry area. Our guests, collaborators and people interested in the saving and efficient use of water are trained and sensitised. Use of recyclable cans as paper deposit and sanitary towels to prevent blockage in the piping. Use of boxes for cleaning and washing dishes and other materials
Water Management
We carry out a monthly control and monitoring of water consumption. Use of rainwater for the cleanliness of common areas. Use of protocol AD in bathrooms, kitchen and laundry area. Our guests, collaborators and people interested in the saving and efficient use of water are trained and sensitised. Use of recyclable cans as paper deposit and sanitary towels to prevent blockage in the piping. Use of boxes for cleaning and washing dishes and other materials
Waste Management
We carry out a monthly control and monitoring of water consumption. Use of rainwater for the cleanliness of common areas. Use of protocol AD in bathrooms, kitchen and laundry area. Our guests, collaborators and people interested in the saving and efficient use of water are trained and sensitised. Use of recyclable cans as paper deposit and sanitary towels to prevent blockage in the piping. Use of boxes for cleaning and washing dishes and other materials
Power Management
We carry out a monthly control and monitoring of water consumption. Use of rainwater for the cleanliness of common areas. Use of protocol AD in bathrooms, kitchen and laundry area. Our guests, collaborators and people interested in the saving and efficient use of water are trained and sensitised. Use of recyclable cans as paper deposit and sanitary towels to prevent blockage in the piping. Use of boxes for cleaning and washing dishes and other materials
Good social practices
Water Management
We carry out a monthly control and monitoring of water consumption. Use of rainwater for the cleanliness of common areas. Use of protocol AD in bathrooms, kitchen and laundry area. Our guests, collaborators and people interested in the saving and efficient use of water are trained and sensitised. Use of recyclable cans as paper deposit and sanitary towels to prevent blockage in the piping. Use of boxes for cleaning and washing dishes and other materials
Raising Awareness
Guests are encouraged to donate to support the local population as teenage mothers, youth and children at risk. Support to public entities providing facilities for the development of events, training, meetings, working groups. Financing of snacks and special rates for consultants, exhibitors and lecturers on topics related to the tourism sector and its regulations.
Support for the vulnerable population with school kits (primary sector), sports equipment for championships or local recreational events. Making visits of cultural and recreational awareness to the community to promote values, ethics and good manners such as work, respect, honesty, knowledge and continuous learning.
Social Risks
Awareness, application and support through campaigns of entities responsible for monitoring and compliance with the norm through information and direct contact, emails, web pages, promotional advertising material, among others.
Good economical practices
Water Management
We carry out a monthly control and monitoring of water consumption. Use of rainwater for the cleanliness of common areas. Use of protocol AD in bathrooms, kitchen and laundry area. Our guests, collaborators and people interested in the saving and efficient use of water are trained and sensitised. Use of recyclable cans as paper deposit and sanitary towels to prevent blockage in the piping. Use of boxes for cleaning and washing dishes and other materials
Collaborators Training
To promote the commitment of the policy of sustainability, self-improvement, professional attitude, ethics and values of the work in the tourism industry. Direct and indirect linkages to the activities of sustainability programmes. Improvement of the competence, capacities and skills of our collaborators through training with entities such as the SENA and internal training (visits of consultants, experts).
Social Responsibility
Commitment to the accounting and tax rules established by law.
To support the purchase of products made by the local community such as handicrafts, food, fibres, wood, fruits and medicinal plants.
Hiring of collaborators and suppliers of the local base in fair and equitable conditions, without discrimination, promoting values of sustainability and respect for the environment and people, considering the merit and effort. Support for new micro-entrepreneurs.

We have designed various tours for you to explore life in the wilderness, the most vibrant shapes and colors and the stunning Amazon culture, in an unforgettable experience.
We are sure that, after a trip to the heart of the Amazon, you will return home transmitting the energy and memories of your encounter with this amazing green treasure of humanity.


The Amazonas Bed & Breakfast is a hotel in the Colombian Amazon , which offers you an exceptional destination for the encounter with oneself and with the purest beauty of nature, through a safe